Wednesday, December 17, 2008

And Just Like That...Poof! It's Disappeared.

The nap.

The much beloved second nap.

Isabella has flat out refused for a week....or take the much needed second nap. Okay, so it was much needed for this momma. Obviously she doesn't need one anymore.

What do I do?! We both need that nap...desperately!

She takes her morning nap--no problem! Waves to her toys, waves to me and happily drifts off to sleep without a hitch.

But the afternoon? Just not happening....screaming, crying, throwing things out of her crib, trying to climb out of the crib....*sigh*

Guess this was her early Christmas gift to me.


Forgetfulone said...

Oh, no! Not the afternoon nap! I sure could use one.

Heather B. said...

Looks like she has forced you into one nap a day:( Kendall did this to me too. It was horrible for about 2 weeks but I just started putting her down for her nap at a later time (12:30pm instead of 10:30am) and she usually sleeps for 2 1/2 to 3 hours. It has worked like a charm ever since!

Sorry you are having to go through this right at the holidays and being prego doesn't help either! But you will get thru it, I promise!!!

Rach (Mommy Learns to Blog) said...

LOVE the new blog design!!!
Sounds like she's right on target, sadly, to move into one nap territory. My best advice (and I know it's going to be hard for a while), try to put off the morning nap a little longer each day until you can get her down around 1:30 or 2:00 (or earlier, if that's what works for you). She will be miserable in the AM, because she's tired, but then you'll be able to get one nice longer nap in the afternoon. Good luck sweetie!

Rachel said...

Yes, but after the departure of the 2nd nap comes the long middle of the day nap. I much prefer that schedule!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

We do one nap (and have for over a year)! I can't believe she's done two for so long.

We do the nap right after lunch (lunch is at 11:00) and she'll typically sleep for 2-3 hours.

Hopefully, you can work something like that out, or your afternoons are going to be VERY long!

Anonymous said...

Bardolf is trying to give up his ONE AND ONLY nap in the afternoon. You and I? We will need more wine.

Tyne said...

sad. sad times. I am with the moms that said to push back the nap to right after lunch, then she should take a good afternoon nap!

amanda said...

shhhh - please bella, pretty please don't let beans in on your new nap schedule!!

although friend you might not be alone. lately we are into skipping the morning nap and it is hurting both mommy and baby.

i feel you friend. i do.

Anonymous said...

ugh im sorry!!! maybe she'll revert back....hoping...

Tenille said...

She's a year? It sounds like about the time that the second nap drops. My little one dropped hers at around 9-10 months or so. She only has an afternoon nap now.

Kristen said...

Oh bummer honey!

I was so hoping the title had something to do with morning sickness being gone. :(

Hang in there, eventually she will nap longer at one time. But yes, this is a sad day.

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas! Oh, just kidding. We dropped the second nap pretty early too. But G still takes a 2 hr one in the early afternoon, like after lunch, so it's good.

Mommy In Pink said...

awww.. i know how that feels...its been one of those weeks for me! i totally hear ya!

Carol said...

In a bid to make you feel a tiny bit better my second child gave up napping all together at 15 months.

I was not thrilled.

A Crafty Mom said...

I am with Carol, my kids all stop napping early, I don't know what the heck is up with that. Bleck. I'm sorry you're going through this, it's a hard transition but maybe in the long run she'll do better with one long middle of the day nap??? Leah is already down to one nap (and not even 12 months old yet!), but it works really well for her. She naps 2-3 hours mid day and then is in bed asleep by 6:45 p.m. every night - sleeps until 7:30 the next morning!! You'll adapt, and so will Bella, I promise!

Noob Mommy said...

Awww...we had a bit of a sleep regression over here right around that time I posted the Sleep Training Complete on my blog :( I'm thinking she may be getting her next pair of teeth. If it's not that, I dunno what I'll do.

Becks said...

That sucks! However there may be hope yet...Sophia did this same thing for a week or so but then somehow if by magic she started having her second nap again!! I pray the magic happens in your house too!

Anti-Supermom said...

I still put the littlest ones down for what I call quiet time, with calm music, books, soft toys, in hopes that they actually don't fall asleep - if they do just let them for 30 mins or so.

The second and only nap will fall into place. You will actually love one long, good nap.

Susan said...

That is a tough one to deal with especially when you are pregnant and desperately need and want the rest. I agree with some of the others that if she has in face really dropped the nap, you should start shifting the morning nap later and later until it becomes the afternoon nap. Also, if she is sleeping longer than 45 minutes to an hour in the morning, try waking her up so that she will be tired again in the afternoon. It won't give you much of a break in the morning, but you will get the rest in the afternoon. You might also be able to tweak her bedtime to get the desired results. Just some ideas that I have tried and been successful with. I really feel for you. I wish I could say that I understand but my kids are like their dad and love to sleep.
Hope it has gotten better since this post!