Monday, December 8, 2008

Because Her Face? Makes Me Smile....


Jamy said...

What a doll! I love posting pictures of my kids. I do it WAY too often! ;) All part of being a mom, right?

Amy J said...

oh my word. i need to get prego and have a girl.

Susan said...

She is adorable as always. I can't wait until Mia is old enough to be running around and playing with dolls.

Jill and Rick said...

LOVE the pictures!!! SO cute! Love you guys, hon.

Jennifer said...

Let me just say I love your new blog page!!!!
The picture of her sleeping is just to cute:)

michelle said...

sweet, sweet pictures!

Vashey Fam said...

Bella is so gorgeous! I am so excited for you and the new baby! Sorry I haven't been around....Sick baby and Christmas orders. Brewers yeast helped me with sickness. It's got all the B-vitamins.....just make sure you get the pills and not the powder. It tastes nasty!

Em said...

What a cutie! She makes me smile too ;) Great pictures!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

What a cutie! I sure hope you get to feeling better!

Love the new look, too!

Emily ~ Little Window Shoppe said...

So cute! What wonderful pictures. You have such a lovely blog!

Jenny said...

so cute. gotta love the sleeping picture...the one leg hanging out is too funny!

Tyne said...

What a doll! Your blog is looking snazzy, too!

amanda said...

omg honey that picture of her sleeping is to die for!! my new favorite :)

and loving the new look friend - really fun!!

Donna said...

AWWWWW...she's beautiful. Bella is the perfect name for her!

Jill and Rick said...

Chelle, I love the new blog layout! SO cute - perfect for you guys!

Love you!

Unknown said...

And a cute face it is!

Loving your new design!!!

Anonymous said...

Love all of the pictures and glad the new meds helped you feel better (at least for a while) Hope it stays that way! If we were closer, I would come help you.
Take care of you, Bella and baby!
Oh, I love the way Bella is playing with her new kitchen set and I see she is trying to get into her dishes too!
love you and thinking of you,
gma and gpa

Mrs. Nurse said...

so cute!

The Mom Jen said...

Sweet! Love your new blog look, see what happens when you read in your reader and don't site hop! It's so bright and cheery!

Mommy In Pink said...

Awww..what a cutie!

Clare said...

so cute!! i love the one of her sleeping with her leg out the crib, hilarious!!

Becks said...

oh my god she is so cute I cant handle it!!!!

The picture of her sleeping in the crib is so funny, love it!! oh and where did you get that awesome little kitchen wants!

She is such a beautiful little girl her name really suits her! :)

I hope you are feeling a bit better! Your new lay out is Fabulousss!

Allison R said...

She is so adorable! I'm finally getting caught up on my blog reading!

BTW - love the new layout.

Fantacy so Sweet-n-Stuff... said...

:D her face makes me smile too :D Isn't having a baby girl just the greatest?! (Having a baby boy is too, but there is just something about little girls...) sigh, I miss my Tink being this small :)