Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Dear morning sickness,

Although I hate the way you make me feel 24/7, I am grateful that you are here.

Because you are here it means that you and my bean are working hard and working together.

And I couldn't be happier.

But can I tell you a secret? I can't wait until the end of January when the second trimester arrives and you begin to fade away (although replaced with many other symptoms). I don't really like feeling sick and being sick all day every day...

Creative Momma
5 weeks 5 days pregnant w/our bean


michelle said...

Morning Sickness...a blessing and a curse. Good Luck, you will be through it quickly :)

Anonymous said...

I'll kick myself for saying this, but I wouldn't mind a touch of morning sickness - just to reassure me of my "delicate condition" until some other obvious symptoms show up. :)

The Mom Jen said...

I agree with Michelle, it's a good healthy pregnancy sign, but it sure sucks!

Jill and Rick said...

I'm so sorry that I'm not more sympathetic! I'm just almost giddy every time you mention how sick you feel!! Bad mommy, bad mommy (but maybe good grandma??) LOVE YOU HON! & Hope this phase is over quickly!


Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...

Good attitude about the yucky morning sickness...I was so textbook with Carter. The first day of my second trimester my body finally agreed with my mind that it was time to stop the morning-afternoon-evening-night sickness.

Mommy In Pink said...

Oh Goodness...I feel your pain...I had morning sickness so bad...and lucky for me it came back in my third trimester...ugh! I really hope you feel better soon! Best of luck with your pregnancy!

Becks said...

Uck! it really is awful..poor girl! Hope the time goes fast and it doesnt get too horrible to manage!! I'm still so crazy excited for you!! Are you going to find out if it is a boy or girl?

Tyne said...

Sorry. It really does stink. Hope you get to feeling better soon, and then comes the heartburn, the backaches and the swollen ankles. So worth it though!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

You are so right...glad it's there, but wish it were gone. Come on January.

Clare said...

oh morning sickness is the worst, i so hope you are feeling better soon. especially during this season:) thinking of you:)

Jamy said...

You're better than me: at least you're seeing the good in it. I just bawled every day for 8 months, wishing with every fiber of my being that it would go away and NEVER RETURN! Might also be another reason I'd love to be done having kids. Sorry you feel so sicky. =(

amanda said...

sorry for the uckiness friend.

honestly it makes me tired just thinking about it!!

hang in there :)

Jennifer said...

I hope it slow down soon:)

A Crafty Mom said...

Not fun, buddy! I had it with all three of mine, then it disappears after week 12 and I started to feel terrific. I hope the next few weeks go quickly for you - crackers and ginger ale were my best buddies.

Susan said...

Yuck!!! I hope you feel better soon!