Monday, November 10, 2008

Dear Santa

Dear Santa,

Thank you for my check of money that the government somehow forgot to pay me while I was in the Air Force.

Nevermind that I have been out for over a year.

Nevermind that I now live in Mississippi and you sent it to my parents' house (that may be my fault, Santa. Don't worry, I'll be changing that soon so that mistake won't happen again....)

Because when I got the phone call from my Mom?

I was a little freaked out why she was calling me on Monday nite sounding worried...

Until she finally got to the point and told me that we had a check for almost two grand.

Waiting for me.

This check could not have come at a more perfect time.

Property taxes, Christmas, travelling, camera lens....

You definitely got my list right this year!

Thank you, Santa! I now know to be good each and every year....cross my heart...


Kelli @ writing the waves said...

YEA for you!!!!! :) That is too cool. Happy shopping, girl!

Anonymous said...

That is the BEST! I love great surprises like that!!

Anonymous said...

Oh that is SO AWESOME!!! What a great surprise!

Heather B. said...

How incredibly awesome is that?!?!? Perhaps an prayer that was answered!

I tagged you at my blog if you want to do it!!!

The Nice One said...

WOW. That is AWESOME!!!!!!

Thanks for your comment earlier today. Thanks for YOUR service (and Leo, too!)! Our dad was an Airforce man!

Fantacy so Sweet-n-Stuff... said...

:D woo hoo!!! Sometimes we don't realize how perfect timing can be until something like this happens :) just think, if you would have had it a year or two ago it would definitely be gone by now ;) :D congrats!

Unknown said...

That's awesome! Santa is SO good, isn't he?

Leslie said...

Wow! Awesome timing! Love how you threw the camera lens in there. But hey.... you need it right? And of course maybe you would get the family something too huh? lol~

Anti-Supermom said...

I love it when you get a little money surprise, the best kind.

This is always a tough financial time for everyone, it is the perfect time.

Have fun!

amanda said...

honey that is awesome!!

seriously can you ask him if he has anything for me??

A Crafty Mom said...

NICE. That is perfect - I just totally love when stuff like that happens!

Laural Out Loud said...

What great news! It looks like you have a direct line to Santa to have gotten such a sweet gift. Mind putting in a word for me?

Yay new camera lens!

Briya said...

I'm writing to YOUR santa this year...

Amanda @ notsoextraordinary said...

aww, santa's such a sweetie ;)