Monday, October 20, 2008

A Fun (Sorta Kinda) Day at the Park

Today I decided to take Isabella to the park.

It's gorgeous out. No clouds, light breeze, didn't get above 75 degrees.

In other words, the weather. was. perfect.

"Perfect Park Day" was declared.

Shoes on. Sippy cup full of ice water. Camera in my hand.

I just knew fun would be taken to a whole 'nother level.

But Isabella did not.

She pouted.

She screamed.

She tried to even force out tears. But due to the real lack of any problem all that came out was a "cowardly lion" type of voice...very strange, very funny.

Threw a few tantrums.

And by few I mean at least three. Three is where I draw the line. I start to lose count and before you know it we are packed up in the car on the way home.

I thought she would have fun. She had a temperature yesterday and took a three hour nap this morning.

Maybe the three hour nap should have been my clue that the park was just not going to be a fun time...

I did, however, manage to get a few pictures.

The good and the bad.

PS--please don't tell her I posted the tantrum ones. She wants everyone to think of her as a darling, sweet, non-fit-throwing one year old. Ahem. I think we all know by now that she has her, um, moments....although she is one of the cutest tantrum throwers. Ever.


Kristi said...

Those pictures are really good! The tantrum ones actually made me crack up! (sorry bella...)

Becks said...

Love the last one where she is holding her hands together and I can just her the whining...good times!

Anonymous said...

Even throwing a fit she is the cutest!

A Crafty Mom said...

Awwww, I bet she wasn't feeling like normal, poor little thing. Must be going around, my little guy napped forever today and he never does that. Your pictures are still precious, she is looks just lovely at the park!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

She's cute even when she's having a fit! Sometimes all you can do is laugh. I hope she's feeling better soon.

Amy J said...

she is too cute!

Unknown said...

Yeah, she's cute no matter what. Tantrums and all!

Susan said...

The best laid plans....
She is adorable even in the tantrum mode.

Anonymous said...

Okay I am laughing now- a non-fit throwing one year old! I haven't met one yet....

Patrice said...

lol aww she does look like a cute tantrum thrower!! Poor Bella, hope she has a better day tomorrow!

Jill and Rick said...

Sweet girl just must not have been feeling well yet. LOL, at least you got out of the house and got some fresh air for a little while!

Leslie said...

I love the tantrum pics too. She is just too sweet. Sorry she didn't enjoy it as much as you did. The weather sounds wonderful!

Jenny said... does look like a perfect day out. such great pics of Isabella even if she is pouty..

Kristen said...

She is so so cute! Tantrums and all. Such a cutie pie you have there!! :)

Dawn said...

I was just stopping by and saw the picture of the pouting!! That is precious!!!!! Love your blog!

Vashey Fam said...

What an expression! Why do tods never cooperate when you have fun stuff planned for them?!

amanda said...

don't tell bella but i love the tantrum pics!! beans has a few of those to share too...

Amanda @ notsoextraordinary said...

wow, i can't believe you made it to 3! lol i am totally on edge after one! but you're right :) she's super cute, even when she's throwing a fit :)