Thursday, October 29, 2009

{3} Months Already?!

Happy {3} month birthday, Maddie!

I cannot believe you are {3} months old already.


Time flies by so fast, doesn't it?

At {3} months you can:

blow lots of spit bubbles

smile a ton

coo and talk to mommy and daddy

kind of laugh--but it sometimes makes you cry

sit up supported

sleep almost through the nite

you can roll from tummy to back--over and over and over

smile at your big sissy

chew on your hands all. the. time

pull the little bird hanging down from your bouncer--it plays music

hold on to your rattles/toys

pull sissy's hair (I think it's payback from the times she has hurt you).

You are the sweetest and happiest baby--I cannot imagine life without you!

Love you baby girl.




Kristin said...

what a big girl she is! Brooklin is already doing so much, it seems like times flies!

Kristi said...

That pic is adorable!!

Anonymous said...

what a cutie pie! My baby is about to turn 10 and it just seems like yesterday. Hope your having a great day! = )

Kimi said...

Oh my adorable. She is too cute :)

Anonymous said...

aww so cute! I can't believe its been 3 months either! What a doll!

amanda said...

r u sure honey? three whole months?? just doesn't seem possible friend!

total cuteness :)

Jennifer said...


Sandy said...

What a cutie pie! I just wrote Oscar's 8 month letter and seems like just yesterday he was 3 months. How fast time flies!

Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...

Wow! Time does fly by fast! She is so cute and that bow is just adorable!

Lauranie said...

She is getting to be such the BIG girl!! :) Her face has changed, could she be more beautiful??!! Before long she will be crawling and eating FOOD!! :)

Liz Mays said...

She's beautiful! Spit bubbles, lol

great gma and gpa said...

What a beautiful perfect picture of little Maddie...(and I love you are calling her Maddie) :-)
Happy 3 months old pretty girl...we love you already!

Jill and Rick said...

Oh my goodness! This is the cutest picture EVER! I LOVE it and I LOVE that you captured that smile for her 3 month birthday. Precious. We love you too, Maddie!


Happy Three Months Maddie... Hope you had a wonderful day. Blessings,

~Sandy~ said...

she is a sweetie! and soooo stinkin' adorable too <3