Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Most Ridiculous Things Always Manage to Happen Here...

Leo woke me up this morning to tell me that our cat, Boo, went to the, um, restroom on my brand new issue of Real Simple magazine. As in, it's ruined.

Not a big deal, I thought. And I also started to wonder why she did that??

Fast forward a couple of hours.

I'm getting ready for our Halloween story time at Barnes & Noble. I have been so excited about this for a couple of weeks. The girls were all ready. Leo was ready.

Leo starts getting things together for our family fun day. When he comes into the bedroom and tells me that it looks like Madelyn will not be coming so why don't Bella and I just go?

I kind of panic thinking she's sick again with the swine flu. When he breaks the reason why.

Our cat? Had urinated all in her carseat. It was ruined. Like beyond cleanable. The cat also managed to go on the floor all around the carseat.

I wasn't too concerned about the carseat--I was really worried about Boo. She never does things like this. She's a really good cat.

Then Leo tells me that this may have happened due to the litter bags not fitting in her litterbox...but he was using them anyway. And never mentioned to me that we needed new ones.

Hopefully now that he went and bought new litter bags and a new carseat the cat will stop all of this ridiculousness. I really, really hope so....


amanda said...

i am not even sure what to say honey?

Vashey Fam said...

Cats are funny like that. I miss my kitty. Off the subject, I was thinking about you the other day and how you survived back labor. :o)

Unknown said...

I hope your cat stops that. My cat will do that if he as a UTI, last time he had one he climbed right up on my lap and peed in my lap. Now, that's NO fun. Thanks goodness that I am a blanket baby. lol Well, okay it's not so lol.

Grizzly Bear said...

OMG that is horrible. EWWWW I never owned a cat so I can't give you advice.

I hope it gets better.

Have a great weekend.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

OH NO. That' terrible. Is the hubs in the dog house? Ah ha

Anonymous said...

Hope that solves the problem. We don't have pets so I have no experience with that.

Were ya'll able to make it to story time?

My Trendy Tykes said...

baaaaaaaaaaaaad kitty!

Ummm this one time, I thought my cat had pooped in the hallway. After a little investigation I later found out that the reason the POOP was in the floor was due to her excessive SCRATCHING in the box. Yeah, she scratched it right out of the box along with quite a bit of little.

Flying turds....
I should have blogged that.
Yeah, I should have.

Andrea Hatfield said...

Oh no! Kitty must not like things changed with it's litter box. Hopefully she will start going back to the litter box immediately. I am sorry you had to replace your carseat. Poor thing! ((hugs))

Anonymous said...

oo the worst!! Hopefully all of those things will fix the potty issues :-P

Kristin said...

oh my!! yessum baddddd kitty! I've never had just reaffirmed why. haha!

Llama said...

AWWWWW Boo...looks like you had a rough day. Feel better you little cutie!

Kristi said...

Ummmmm kinda sounds like Winxy with the #2 under my bed......GROSS!!!!!
Hope it's just the litter box thing. Also hope little Boo hasn't learned that she kind of LIKES not going in the litter box...

Lauranie said...

so this is sad in a funny the middle of reading your post I had to go check and make sure my kitty didn't get into my car while I was unloading YESTERDAY!! Thankfully not, but it is sad that I wouldn't have thought of this SOONER!! :) Hope little BOO starts feeling better about her box!!