Sunday, October 25, 2009

She Got You, Babe

Tonite Isabella wanted to watch one of her favorite Halloween movies ever--It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. She LOVES that show.

I was feeding Madelyn and the movie was in our dvd player in the Jeep. I yelled out to Leo to see if he could go out and get it for her.

No answer.

"Baaabe! Can you hear me?!"

Still no answer.

Isabella looks out to the kitchen and this time she yelled out to her Daddy.

"BAAABE! Halloweeeeen?"

Yes, she calls her Daddy babe.

Seriously cute and seriously the only other girl (well, besides Madelyn who can't talk yet...) who I would ever allow to call my husband babe.


great gma said...

Got such a kick out of her comments at the restaurant! :-) Now, got to read this one, that even tickled me more. Can't wait to see her and listen to her AND meet miss Madelyn!

Llama said...

HAHAHA! AW! So cute!
p.s. i love that movie too!!

Anonymous said...

hheheheheh love it!!

Kimi said...

That is freaking adorable. I've never seen that movie. I know. Shameful. I've decided just know that I must watch it this year.

Heather B. said...

So adorable! Kendall calls Jason Honey because that is what I always call him! Love the movie too!

Connie K said...

love that she call's her dad babe ! too cute my 5 year old calls me that sometimes when i dont answer to mom (lol)and we love that movie too!

Kimi said...

PS... There is a little something something for you here

Dee said...

LOL! That is sooo sweet!

Kristi said...

That makes me laugh so much!!! Babe - LOL!!!!

jOni lAnE said...

thanks for a great laugh today. that is priceless.

Unknown said...

Yep, she and her sister are the only ones who can get away with that! Too cute!

Clare said...

very cute i love it!!

Becks said...

tooo adorable!!

Liz Mays said...

That is SO cute!!! He must completely crack up!

Kristin said...

she's too cute!

Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...

How sweet!

amanda said...

i love when they do this kind of stuff!! on occasion i will call out hubby's name if i need something and with out fail beans will copy me. it's sooo funny to hear her call him his name and not daddy!

silly girls :)