Thursday, September 25, 2008

Nature Girl

Hey, everyone! It's me, Isabella. Momma told me since I have been so well behaved this week while Dadda is in Texas (she keeps telling me this, like I know what Texas is....) that I get to post today...yay!

So, let me fill ya in on some things that are happening in my life right now. I turn one in a week. A week from today. Momma keeps getting all sappy on me and telling me she can't believe how fast this year went....and for me? This year was dragging! Seriously, could it have gone ANY slower? I think not.

Momma always says the following to me when I give her kisses (instead of bites....although in my opinion I like biting her....but she gets a little mad when I do that....), " are such a sweetheart!". So now when she does something that I like, I look at her and say, "Awwww". She thinks this is really cute....

I have also been sleeping in my big girl crib all by myself for almost every nap and through each nite. I must say I miss being in my Momma's arms and I sometimes put up a big fight, but all in all it's not bad. Dadda says that the next step is moving the crib back in my room....I'm betting Momma won't let that one happen for awhile....

I hope you enjoy the pictures of me. Momma took them while we were playing outside. She kept saying that she needed new pictures for her blog and I agreed with her. I told her that I am sure there were a few people out there that were having some Isabella withdrawals. But when I was telling her this I don't think she understood a word I was saying...but it worked because look at me typing away.

Well, Momma says I need to go now. I hope you enjoyed hearing from me--I always love reading about you all, too!


Susan said...

Wow, Isabella you did a great job on your post.
I am glad that you cooperate while Mommy took pictures of you. You are such a doll and your pictures make me smile.
Being one is a lot of fun and will bring a lot more changes. I know you and your mommy will enjoy each new phase of your precious life.

Anonymous said...

We LOVE your letter and your pictures Isabella!
Great gma and gpa cant' wait until we get to see you again! I sure did love talking to you on the phone today too. Next week you are going to have a VERY
big exciting day! Tell mommy to take a LOT of pictures.
love and hugs from your great gma and gpa

Jill and Rick said...

Oh my goodness, these pictures couldn't be ANY cuter!! Bella Mella, we love you! PLEASE talk Mommy and DADDY into moving to Missouri!

Carol said...

Love it!!!

Big birthday coming up soon, exciting!!!

Jennifer said...

Isabella you win the best guest post!!! You did just a great job and I love all the picture.
Thank's for taking time out of your day for us:)

Leslie said...

Oh Isabella! What a sweet and beautiful girl you are! I wish I could come over there and scoop you up for some hugs and kisses. You sure look cute in that outfit! Love your post! ;)

Lauren W said...

She is beautiful!
I love this :)

Jenny said...

Thanks for the post Bella! You did such a great job. I just love the pics of you...your outfit is too sweet!
Can't for those 1st bday pics!

Vashey Fam said...

Bella! I love the outfit! Tell your mama that she takes fabulous pictures!

Anonymous said...

That outfit is so cute and Oh my WORD she is a doll!

Amanda @ notsoextraordinary said...

barrywhat a great post :)

Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...

I love that Isabella has highjacked your blog! Very cute idea!

gina said...

Cute post. Even cuter kid. ;)

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Isabella...what a great writer you are.

Your mommy sure took some good pictures of you.

And, you need to tell her you'll be okay in your own room and mommy will be happier, too!

Unknown said...

Such a doll!

I know so many babies turning ONE soon, IRL and on blogs. It's crazy!

Thanks for the update Isabella! ; )

Melissa said...

she is absolutely adorable!!! Little girls melt my heart!

I have an almost 2 year old niece. watching them grow is so incredible!

Patrice said...

I was so having Isabella withdrawl! How did you know?! These pictures are too adorable! Great writing, too! Excellent post and it's nice to have you back, Bella! Happy Early Birthday! 1- how exciting!

Anonymous said...

Cute pictures! I love them. :)

andreawilliams said...

Great post Isabella!! Love the pictures, your mommy was right.

The Nice One said...

Great post!!!
I love love love the pictures. I am impressed that you got them up by yourself! It took me weeks to figure that one out! What a big girl!

Becks said...

What a sweet post Isabella! I cant believe in one week you will be one!!! Are you so excited? What do you think you are going to get for presents? You are doing a great job sleeping like a big girl!!
Did I mention how adorable you are? Cause you are one cute girl!