Wednesday, September 24, 2008

You've Changed Me....In a Good Way

Since I became an obsessed-slash-addicted a pretty regular blogger I have met some of the most amazing women.


I can honestly say that I share more with all of you than I do with a lot of my friends in real life.

Why is that?

It just feels like so many of us actually "get" one another.

I think it's easier reading through blogs, seeing if they do anything for you and deciding in that moment, would we click or would we not click?

In real life it isn't always so easy....

Sometimes you get stuck being someone's friend b/c your spouse is friends with that person's spouse.

Sometimes the other person might think that you two actually click...but ya don't.

Sometimes you start a family and your friend doesn't and you drift apart....

Whatever the reason I haven't found any good friends for awhile.

Sure, I hang out with people, talk with them occassionally, but my bloggy friends?

I "hear" from you or read about what you are up to

A day away from all of you is like taking away my coffee or Diet Coke away for a day.

Those kinds of things just do. not. happen. around here.

I'm not trying to be all mushy or sensitive.

I just want you all to know how much you mean to me....Heather for the amazing birthday package you sent for Isabella, Amanda for giving us that amazing chocolate chip pumpkin bread recipe (so much for losing any weight for awhile....) and basically everyone for leaving me comment love, sending prayers when I ask for them and being so sweet on days when everything seems to be going wrong.


Kristen said...

Totally get it friend!

You are one of my favs out there! :)

Anonymous said...

You are totally right. It is a different world. A very nice world :)

Susan said...

I couldn't agree more.
It is great to share our days together.

TheAustinEmpire said...

Yep. Me too.
I think the thing I like the most is the fact that it's pretty hard to gossip behind someone's back on a blog. I hear way too much gossip from people IRL and blogs are so much better than that.
Completely different world, and I can't get enough.

Leslie said...

I am SOO right there with you. I LOVE my bloggy friends. ;)

Jennifer said...

I think you are right:) Have a great day

Unknown said...

I am taking a trip with some friends from the non-blogger world next month (girls weekend!) and I ask myself, do I take my laptop or not? I will miss all my other friends if I don't! : )

Stephanie said...

I completely agree. Especially because I hate the wives of most of Mr. Newlywed's friends.

Anonymous said...

So true - bloggy friends are the greatest friends out there :)

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

It really is a great community, isn't it!!!

Wendi said...

I totally agree.
I am glad to have you as one of my favorite blogging buddies.

Anti-Supermom said...

Hey, I'm so bad at Twitter, I see that you hate not having the Diet Coke too~

Blogging is awesome, nothing else is like it, at all.

amanda said...

i completely agree. one hundred times over.

pretty sure you don't even truly know just how much i actually depend on you friend :)

now when are you coming home??

Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...

Tag! You're it! I tagged you on my blog!

Clare said...

i totally agree, sometimes staying at home can be very isolating, and this is a wonderful way to connect. esp. while children are sleeping!!

will you pass along the pumpkin bread recipe?

Amanda @ notsoextraordinary said...

it's true isn't it!? i love my bloggie friends, and sometimes i feel like i know more about their lives than i do my real friends!

Laural Out Loud said...

I'm right there with you. So many factors, but it all comes down to how hard it is to make friends after you have kids. Finding the blogging community was a God send.

McMommy said...

Awww!! You said it so well! The bloggie community is truly so wonderful...a very special kind of friendship!

Allikaye's Mama said...

I feel the same way!! And i am glad you are one of my newest friends!!

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean!