Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I usually steer clear of anything that could be of controversy. However, I just had to see others' opinion on what I watched today. Maybe I jumped the gun too quick in my own opinion or what you think may have me open my eyes and see his side...

I'm watching Dr. Phil as I type this post....and I am disgusted beyond belief.

A young man from Michigan had a girlfriend. She told him she couldn't get pregnant and was on birth control. (has he never heard that the only 100% effective birth control is abstinence?!)

Guess what happened.

She got pregnant.

He has tried to go to court twice to not have to pay child support and get the child out of his life forever (the court threw it out each time). Why? Because he feels it's in his "best interest" at this moment in his life to not be a dad; that he was tricked into being a dad, that it's not fair that he has to pay child support, that she should have placed the child under adoption.

He has never met his child.

He has never held his child.

He has no intention to be a father to her. Ever.

In my opinion?

He should have refrained from having sex if he wasn't willing to be a father/pay child support.

Maybe he should have also worn a condom. Why is it always up to the woman to be on birth control??

When will people start accepting responsibility for their actions?

I feel bad for this child.

Really bad.

What do you all think?

Do you agree with him that he isn't being treated fairly by the legal system and that because he feels at this time he doesn't want to be a dad that he shouldn't have to pay child support?

Or do you agree that if he didn't want to become a dad then he shouldn't have had sex in the first place?

I am so annoyed by this guy. Seriously.

Leo pays child support monthly. So I understand the whole child support side....

I don't mean to sound harsh....but just how this guy presented himself really got under my skin. Basically that it was this woman's own fault that she got pregnant. Ridiculous. I better turn off the show before I get too worked up!


Patrice said...

So sad! I'm sure the girl totally meant to get pregnant, and this doesn't affect her at all right? Ugh! People are ridiculous! I don't blame you at all for being mad, that's just horrible! said...

I totally agree with you. It's time people grow up and stop expecting everyone else to take care of their problems. I think both the mother and father are to blame.

Jennifer said...

I think you are a 100% right. He should pay child support. I also feel bad for that kid!

Simply Shannon said...

Nope- you're right. No question about it. Don't want kids? Then keep it in your pants a-hole.

Jamy said...

Yes, you are right. And so is the system. I agree about people not taking responsibilty for their actions. I feel old saying it, but it seems to be getting worse with each generation! Have you seen Raising Helen? Not the best show in the world, but I love it because Joan Cusack is pregnant. She breaks up her neice and boyfriend having sex. She points to her stomache and says, "Are you ready for THIS? Are you ready to be a DADDY?" How is it people don't put 2 and 2 together? Okay, clearly I am heated about this as well. Good thing I didn't watch Dr. Phil, or my husband would have come home to a broken TV...

Amy J said...

i am so with you. how annoying. i don't think i can watch it when it comes on here. thanks for warning me! i don't understand people who think they can have sex and not pay any consequences at all. i am totally getting all worked up right now i can hardly keep track of my fingers typing.

Mandy said...

OH Lord. I totally agree with you. lf a guy can't keep it in his pants, then he needs to be ready for any consequences that may occur. Sounds like the guy is a loser. The worst's at the expense of an innocent child.

Heather B. said...

I see both sides of it. As I am on both sides of it.

amanda said...

totally agree with you friend.

hope you turned it off before you threw something at him!!

Anonymous said...

I am so with you! I believe ANYONE no matter girl or guy has the responsibility to accept the consequences of their actions no matter what it might be. And if you are having sex you had better be ready to be a parent. End of story.

Unknown said...

I don't necessarily think he should be forced to be in the child's life b/c I don't think it would be beneficial to either of them anyway with an attitude like that. I do think he needs to "pony up" though and take responsibility for his actions. Which it seems these days, so many people are NOT willing to do and THAT is sad...

Laural Out Loud said...

Eek. It's kind of ridiculous to tell people to not have sex, but picking a partner who you can trust to not trick you is a smart way to go. I think they're both at fault for this one.

Leslie said...

He really went to court over this? What a ridiculous, foolish, little boy. And I mean boy in the sense that he is immature and stupid. I'm glad the courts threw out his request. He donated his sperm, therefor he is obligated. End of story. His wants and feelings are secondary. The idiot should have kept it in his pants if he didn't want to be a father. Moron, idiot. I'm right there with you. Glad I didn't see it, I'd be upset too.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

It takes two to tango, right?

What a retard to blame her.

I don't think that he should be forced to see the child, but I do believe that he should be financially responsible.

However, the girl knew what she was doing, too, and she needs to be responsible.

I guess I really don't know how I feel except very sorry for the child that is stuck in the middle.

Anti-Supermom said...

This sounds exactly like what happened to my sister, minus the 'telling him she wouldn't get pregnant part'.

My nephew has never met his real father, but honestly I'm happy about it. He is obviously a person I would never choose to have in my child's life if given the choice.

He (the old boyfriend) misses out on everything, I mean everything. She fought him for child support, which he does pay very little for now.

This gets me so worked up too. It sucks all the way around.

Anonymous said...

Honestly stuff like this is why I really limit my talk show and news viewing. It just makes me fell yucky thinking about the crap that goes on. ugg.

Becks said...

I cant handle watching Dr. Phil...he is like a "fancy" version of Jerry Springer.

Amanda @ notsoextraordinary said...

i agree with you. If he didn't want to be a father, he should have NOT HAD SEX!!! and the fact that he has NO resposibility in his mind is completely a$$anine. just because the woman carries the baby doesn't make a difference... not sure how in the world people think it does. he needs to suck it up and realize that sometimes life stinks and take responsibility.

Keri said...

I agree with you! If you don't want children, don't have sex! I don't feel bad for him one bit.

Carol said...

Your mother raised an awesome lady!
You are totally right!

Carol ( a cyber friend of your mom)

Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle, I agree with you 100% that it takes two to tango. Or in this case...make a child.

Thanks for entering my bloggy sweeps and I really love your blo!