Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Best Friends Forever....

The first picture that I have gotten of my {2} girls.

Both looking at the camera.

Both with their eyes open.

Miracles do happen!


Lauranie said...

It will get better!! :) Then you will have a camera and computer and external hard drive and flash drives and discs FULL of BEAUTIFUL pictures and not be able to delete ANY of them!!! :) xo

Anonymous said...

oo my goodness!! Love this picture.. your girls are adorable!

amanda said...

long distance high five!

Bombtastic Belle said...

Cute picture! Ilove big brown eyes, they get me every time. :)

My worst days were 2-3, that's when the left side of my face swole up and my ear throbbed and I couldn't sleep. I swear, I would'nt wish this on my worst enemy! *lol*

I still get into a coughig fit every now and then, but it has to be something pretty big to set it off. I kind of reminds me of when you get bronchitis, how it just lingers? *lol*

Glad y'all are feeling better and the baby didn't get sick!

Jennifer said...

Sweet picture! They do look like sister :) Hope your doing well

Andrea Hatfield said...

How sweet! Your girls are beautiful!

Kelli @ writing the waves said...

Adorable! The first of many more to come, I'm sure!

Kristin said...

haha! TRue!

They're so sweet. I like that we're both moms with two girls.

Liz Mays said...

Do you just smile all day long? I would!

Traci said...

Look how beautiful your girls are!!! Precious!

I just got your comment. Email me and let me know what you are wanting! :)

Unknown said...

They just looks so much alike to me! Sweet girls!

Llama said...

What little sweeties!!!!!