It will get better!! :) Then you will have a camera and computer and external hard drive and flash drives and discs FULL of BEAUTIFUL pictures and not be able to delete ANY of them!!! :) xo
Cute picture! Ilove big brown eyes, they get me every time. :)
My worst days were 2-3, that's when the left side of my face swole up and my ear throbbed and I couldn't sleep. I swear, I would'nt wish this on my worst enemy! *lol*
I still get into a coughig fit every now and then, but it has to be something pretty big to set it off. I kind of reminds me of when you get bronchitis, how it just lingers? *lol*
Glad y'all are feeling better and the baby didn't get sick!
It will get better!! :) Then you will have a camera and computer and external hard drive and flash drives and discs FULL of BEAUTIFUL pictures and not be able to delete ANY of them!!! :) xo
oo my goodness!! Love this picture.. your girls are adorable!
long distance high five!
Cute picture! Ilove big brown eyes, they get me every time. :)
My worst days were 2-3, that's when the left side of my face swole up and my ear throbbed and I couldn't sleep. I swear, I would'nt wish this on my worst enemy! *lol*
I still get into a coughig fit every now and then, but it has to be something pretty big to set it off. I kind of reminds me of when you get bronchitis, how it just lingers? *lol*
Glad y'all are feeling better and the baby didn't get sick!
Sweet picture! They do look like sister :) Hope your doing well
How sweet! Your girls are beautiful!
Adorable! The first of many more to come, I'm sure!
haha! TRue!
They're so sweet. I like that we're both moms with two girls.
Do you just smile all day long? I would!
Look how beautiful your girls are!!! Precious!
I just got your comment. Email me and let me know what you are wanting! :)
They just looks so much alike to me! Sweet girls!
What little sweeties!!!!!
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