Examples of what I think:
I wish I could fit in my skinny jeans again...two whole sizes away.
I wish I had new furniture...
I wish Leo would let me get a puppy. Or kitten. Or talk about another baby.
I wish I had a bff down here...
I wish I had more money for _____, _____. or _______.
Do you see what I do to myself? It's awful. Seriously. I have SO much to be grateful for in life--so, so much.
I have my health. I'm healthy. I'm not having to fight for my life. That's lucky.
I have my daughters. My husband. That's lucky.
I have my home. My OWN home. That's lucky.
I have money to buy food for my family. To take them out to dinner. That's lucky.
I even have money for nice wine. That's lucky.
I get to have my hair done every couple of months. That's lucky.
I have amazing medical care. Free medication. Thank you military and Leo. That's lucky.
I get to play with my daughters at the park. Hear their laughs. Their voices. That's lucky.
I am able to laugh every single day--good day or bad. That's lucky.
Do you focus on negatives a lot? Always wishing for something you don't have? Play along with me--and link up below. I would love to read what makes you lucky.
I complain about what we don't have...but really, I'm lucky, too. A loving husband and three adorable little boys. And some great friends. :)
I am forever the optimist. I feel pretty fortunate in my life, so I either don't notice the negatives or just forget about them immediately. But if you want me to point them out, I wish my stupid barber didn't eff up my bangs. I wish they would grow back faster. I wish I had a dog. I wish my co-workers weren't so annoying. But I'll look on the bright side. =)
You are NOT alone for feeling that way occasionally!
I must say though-- you are a very lucky girl! You have so much to be grateful for! ;)
We do have many things to be thankful for. It always seems easier to complain~ but don't do it! So many things in life are a mind game! Nice post.
Thanks for this beautiful post. Even though I am SO blessed in my life, I do sometimes feel like I ponder on the negative. I am so thankful for having a wonderful husband, an amazing son, a great family, a beautiful home, food on the table, a car, a computer, etc. I can go on forever. I also thank God for all my friends!
I do consider myself EXTREMELY lucky.
However, I do wish for things that probably will not happen.
I think its just in our nature....
I SO hear you! It's hard not to want want want. I linked up!
You are very lucky, indeed - and a good reminder to us all!
Yes! Yes! Yes! I am guilty of the same thing. I think the hardest thing for us is to be content with what we have. That is probably the key to happiness.
I go through a lot of the same negative thoughts in my head. It's kind of human nature to do that, but it's so helpful to be reminded by beautiful posts like this one how lucky we are!
I think we are 2 peas in a pod my dear... I could have made both those list... minus the military hubby.
CHEERS to my sister from another mister (as you put it and I love)
I definitely feel like i have been focusing on the "bad stuff" lately...it is just horrible. I feel guilty lately for doing it so much. I know that I am lucky...i am healthy, happy and so very very fortunate.
Thank you.
I needed this today...really needed this.
Its easy to focus on the bad.. but we have to hold onto the good.. cause the good in life is the only thing worth living for..
Im lucky that all my medical issues are just random issues.. thank you God..
we are all lucky that we live in freedom.. so Thank you Leo! hehe..
We all all lucky to have you in our lives! I love you girl! Thanks for putting it all into perspective!
I do need to take time more often to remember how lucky I am.
Why is it so easy to take so much for granted?!?!?!?
Hi Chelle, thanks for visiting me! Actually, I lost only a half pound but I lost 12 inches all over and 3 percent body fat. We will see what happens today!
I do the exact same thing girl. When it comes down to it I'm a very lucky lady too!
I definitely need to focus on the positive more often. I catch myself falling into this trap constantly.
But right now, I'm grateful for the beautiful weather and am getting off the computer to take my kids to the park. yay!
p.s. about to follow your facebook page---i just created one for my blog, too. i have no idea what i'm doing, though!!
p.s. thanks for your supportive comments on my blog!
Lucky, blessed, whatever you call it -- we all need to focus on those things more!
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