Sunday, March 28, 2010

Mommy & Me...and Someone Turns 8 Months on Monday!

This weekend was fabulous--the weather, the sunshine, the everything. I'm jumping in for another Mommy & Me Monday from Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious?.

This is from a trip to the park yesterday--we had SO much fun! And, yes, that's my Bellie walking in the distance--the slides were calling her name!

Mommy and Me Monday at Really, Are You Serious?
Hosted by Krystyn

 As for the double dip post...guess who turns 8 months old on Monday? My Madelyn Reese! Can you believe it?!

Her latest and greatest? Still doing the Army crawl {or the wounded soldier crawl. So funny and cute!}, she can clap, says ni-ni-ni when she's tired, cries out for mama as needed, sits up {when she wants to...she'd rather crawl than sit up}, eats so many different foods {except peas and meat. Ew!}.

Here's a picture I snapped of her outside today. Love her, her chubby cheeks, her long eyelashes...I love it all. She is such a sweet baby girl!


Carrie said...

What a cutie- happy 8 months to her!

Jessica said...

Such sweet pictures! I hope that I have many family moments like this in my future! :)

Anonymous said...

She is so adorable!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Happy 8 months! What a sweet heart!

And, I love how she's looking at the photographer..her eyes are saying "seriously, could she love me anymore?"

darcie said...

Beautiful! Happy Mommy & Me Monday - and Happy 8 months to your lil sweetheart!

Jenny said...

Those are fantastic shots! So much detail...beautiful!

Adrienne said...

she is cute to boot look at that sweet baby ...glad you had a fun day in the park!

amanda said...

eight months?? sooo not possible!!

but sooo darn cute mama :)

Ehrenfelds said...

She is beautiful! I love her eyelashes.

Thanks for stopping by.

Anonymous said...

The park is always fun! Happy 8 months shes beautiful!

Loukia said...

I love that first picture, so cute that your big girl is taking off towards the slides! Great picture overall! And wow, can't believe your baby is already 8 months old! Time, stop moving so fast!

Unknown said...

I can't believe how fast our baby girls are growing. Mine will be 6 months on Thursday!!

Love the shot with all three of you girls! :)

Anonymous said...

Cute! Happy 8 months!

Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...

8 months already?!?!?!?! Where has the time gone. I agree with you - Maddie has great eyelashes. I think she is going to be one of those lucky girls who has a natural curl and won't have to worry about mascara!

Maddie's shirt in the last picture is so fitting for Mommy and Me Monday! Cute!

casey aubut said...


I wanted to let you know that I have included you in my Basket Blog Hop!
More details here:

It is for such a great cause! I really hope you can participate!


Nicole @ Chic and Cheap Nursery said...

How cool!
I love mommy and me time. And seeing your picture makes me realize that I don't have a lot of pics with my Sophia. I have a million pics of her but not a lot of me and her together.

And congrats on the 8 months... How time flies!

Annie said...

Love the picture of you two! Hooray for warmer weather and trips to the park :) My daughter could seriously spend 3 or more hours there....We were at the park the other day for 2 hours and she threw a fit about not wanting to leave! LMBO

Happy 8 months! My son is 11.5 months old and doesn't crawl, he scooots on his tushie while sitting upright! Babies are all so adorable and unique :)

Vanessa said...

She is too adorable!!! We need to stay in touch -- when our girls hit their tweens and teens we'll need all the support we can get with such beauties!

Kristen said...

Happy 8 months! I love that age...too cute!!

Liz Mays said...

She is SO darn cute but when in the world did she grow up?

Unknown said...

How Cute!! I can't wait to get my kids and I outside...they would love a trip to the park and I would love to get my raised beds made! Have a great week.

Anonymous said...

Yay! Happy early 8 months to your adorable little one! So glad ya'll have a great day over the weekend. Happy Monday.

MommyLovesStilettos said...


Kristi said...

Those pics are SO cute! B looks so grown up back there going to the slides by herself! And I really like your hair - I don't think I've seen any pics since you got this cut/color. Cute!!

That 2nd pic of Maddie is AWESOME by the way! And I also CANNOT believe she is 8 months. Being there for her birth always reminds me of when Anthony and I started dating LOL

Jenny said...

love love that picture of Maddie! such a a cutie...

Anonymous said...

Cute picture of the 2 of you!!! I can't believe she is 8 months old already!

Sassy Salsa girl said...

Awwww, cute! ;D

Mrs. Micek said...

She is absolutely beautiful!! What a sweetheart!! Our girls are almost a month apart exactly!! Mine turns 7 months on Tuesday!! :)
I wish we could get together so they could play!!! :)

Rebecca D said...

awwww... the things that last photo does to my horomones... A few more shots like that and I'll get babies on the brain...

Grizzly Bear said...

WOW these pics looks fabulous!@!! Well the ones I could see because what the heck is happening with the freakn blogger thing today is annoying!!!! :)

Hey I told Heather to back off.. she wrote you down as her bloggy crush.. and I am like dude she is mine back off!lol

Unknown said...

Happy 8 months to her and oh my gosh, that picture!!!!! Soooooo cute!

Pres. Kathy said...

Love the pics@ Adorable!

Rana said...

Oh what a cutie! Great sunny day for photos. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
