Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Yoplait Greek {A Winey Mommy Giveaway}

 All of the girls in my house are huge yogurt fans--Isabella is addicted and Madelyn is just beginning to realize how yummy it is. As a Mom, this is great to me--I can offer my girls a delicious yet healthy snack to have during the day and not worry that I am feeding them something that I shouldn't be.

When I heard about the new Yoplait Greek yogurt I was definitely interested in trying it out. It has 12 grams of protein and has a taste that is both unique and delicious. From its thick and creamy texture to the multiple flavors, I can't wait to taste it. The flavors include Strawberry, Blueberry, Honey Vanilla and Plain.
Yoplait has teamed up with actress Izabella Miko who is the Greek Goddess Athena in the epic adventure from Warner Brothers Pictures & Legendary Pictures--"Clash of the Titans" which is set to release April 2nd in 3D. Both Yoplait and Izabella Miko want every woman to channel their own inner goddess--which sounds like a great plan to me!

You can save $0.30 on one cup of Yoplait Greek by clicking here for a coupon. 

 Winner's Gift Pack

To help you channel your inner goddess I have one gift pack to help ONE of my readers channel their inner goddess! {coupons are not valid in some states including California, Idaho, Louisiana, Minnesota, North Dakota, New Jersey and Tennessee.}

***How to Win***

Mandatory Entry: Simply leave me a comment below telling me how you release your inner goddess. Be sure to leave me your email address in  your comment if it is not included in your profile.

***Bonus Entries***

Leave me a comment for each extra entry. If it says 2 entries leave 2 comments.

{3 entries} Follow The Winey Mommy on Facebook {leave me your initials in comment}

{1 entry per each} Subscribe by email, follow via Google Friend Connect and/or subscribe in a reader

{1 entry} Follow The Winey Mommy on Twitter {leave your user name in comment}

{1 entry} Tweet the following: Win a Yoplait Greek Goddess gift pack from @winey_mommy! Ends 4/15{leave a link to your tweet in comment} Can be done 3x's/day

{1 entry} Add my button to your blog

{5 entries} Blog about this giveaway linking back to this post. Don't have a blog? No problem--just email 5 people and cc me in the email. My email is in my toolbar above.


This giveaway will end on April 15th @ NOON CST. Open to all US residents 18+. To to be eligible to win you must do mandatory entry. If you do not follow that rule all entries will be void. Leave a valid email address in comment or available on profile. Winner will be drawn via and will have 48 hours to respond to notification email. If winner does not contact back w/full name/address a new winner will be picked. All winners will be posted on blog when picked. This blog is not responsible for prizes not being delivered, getting lost, etc. I will try my hardest to work with company if something should go wrong. This blog is not responsible for anything regarding to your use of product.

No compensation was given for this review and giveaway. Yoplait provided the gift pack for this blog through MyBlogSparkTM.


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Sassy Salsa girl said...

I'm just curious if there is high fructose corn syrup in it. It sounds delicious!

Amber said...

I release my inner goddess by doing yoga each morning as soon as I wake up!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I follow your blog with google friend connect!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

MommyLovesStilettos said...

I release my inner goddess at the gym every day :)

MommyLovesStilettos said...

I am following on FB :)

Michelle Spann

MommyLovesStilettos said...

I am following on FB :)

Michelle Spann

MommyLovesStilettos said...

I am following on FB :)

Michelle Spann

janetfaye said...

I release my inner goddess by walking for exercise.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

1. Facebook Fan - Janet Fri

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

2. Facebook Fan - Janet Fri

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

3. Facebook Fan - Janet Fri

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

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janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

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janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

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Feed subscribed with Google Reader.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

I follow you on Twitter - Janetfaye

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

sweepmom said...

I try to eat healthy and I excercise regularly.

Bombtastic Belle said...

I release my inner goddess by carving out a few moments during the day to sit outside in this weather and just not think... to take it all in a realize it'll all be ok.

Bombtastic Belle said...

And you know I'm a follower of you :)

Bombtastic Belle said...

And on Twitter - same as my SN here

Sharon Harmon said...

I pamper the inner goddess in me by using scented liquid shower gels and then putting on scented lotions! :)

Maude Lynn said...

A long, hot bath!

Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...

I have not connected with my inner Goddess in a long time...a spa day always does it for me!

littlelatina said...

great product

Anonymous said...



Bebemiqui said...

I really my inner goddess by hiking the mesa behind our house.

llinda29 said...

I release my inner goddess by making dinner

Deborah Wellenstein said...

I release my inner goddess with a hot bath, a good book, and a glass of wine. Thanks!

Benita said...

I release my inner goddess meditating and doing yoga.


Benita said...

Follower via GFC.


cstironkat said...

I release my inner goddess by having a piece of dark chocolate every day. One piece with a cup of hot tea after work is so relaxing.

cstironkat said...

4/2 tweet #1

cstironkat said...

4/2 2nd tweet

cstironkat said...

4/2 3rd tweet

Karen P said...

I release my inner goddess by taking a long hot bubble bath.

Karen P said...

gfc follower

cstironkat said...

4/3 1st tweet

cstironkat said...

4/3 2nd tweet

cstironkat said...

4/3 3rd tweet

magic5905 said...

A good book and some wine. Thanks.

mar said...

I release my inner goodness by doing what I love best - baking cookies!

cstironkat said...

4/4 1st tweet

cstironkat said...

4/4 2nd tweet

cstironkat said...

4/4 3rd tweet

mogrill said...

I release it with a hot bath and a god glass of champagne.
Thanks for the chance.

janetfaye said...

1. I blogged:

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

2. I blogged:

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

3. I blogged:

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

4. I blogged:

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

5. I blogged:

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Tamara B. said...

I release my inner goddess through dance and exercise.

Tamara B. said...

#1, I follow The Winey Mommy on Facebook (Tamara B.)

Tamara B. said...

#2, I follow The Winey Mommy on Facebook (Tamara B.)

Tamara B. said...

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Tamara B. said...

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Tamara B. said...

I am a subscriber in Reader.

Tamara B. said...

I follow through GFC.

Alicia said...

By taking naps in the sun like a cat.

Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<

bloggyig at gmail dot com

idahomom said...


Georgia Mist said...

I release (or is unleash?) my inner goddess when I take a night to give myself a pedicure / manicure and deep condition my hair!

outofthemist @ gmail .com (remove spaces)

Georgia Mist said...

I follow publicly via Google Friend Connect.
outofthemist @ gmail .com (remove spaces)

Georgia Mist said...

I follow via Facebook Networked Blogs (Terri P)
outofthemist @ gmail .com (remove spaces)

Georgia Mist said...

I follow @winey_mommy on Twitter @GeorgiaMist
outofthemist @ gmail .com (remove spaces)

Georgia Mist said...


outofthemist @ gmail .com (remove spaces)

vboackle said...

i haven't learned that yet.

cstironkat said...

4/6 tweet

cstironkat said...

4/7 tweet

cstironkat said...

4/8 1st tweet

cstironkat said...

4/8 2nd tweet

cstironkat said...

4/8 tweet

cstironkat said...

4/9 tweet

cstironkat said...

4/9 tweet

cstironkat said...

4/9 tweet

Melissa said...

I release my inner goddess by always making some "Me-Time" to do whatever makes me happy!

xmeliss182x (at) yahoo (dot) com

cstironkat said...

4/10 tweet

cstironkat said...

4/10 2nd tweet

cstironkat said...

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cstironkat said...

4/11 tweet

cstironkat said...

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cstironkat said...

4/11 tweet

Anonymous said...

I release my inner goddess through contemplation and quiet time :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

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The Winey Mommy button is in my Blogroll, Buttons T - Z

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cstironkat said...

4/12 1st tweet

cstironkat said...

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cstironkat said...

4/12 3rd tweet

lmurley2000 said...

i like to take long hot baths with lots of candle

lmurley2000 said...

follow on facebook-lmurley2000

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Emmy Coffee said...

I get all dressed up and pretty and go out dancing :)

Emmy Coffee said...

Twitter follower (@erikaelizabeth)

Anonymous said...

I do it by taking a nice relaxing bath

cstironkat said...

4/13 1st tweet

cstironkat said...

4/13 2nd tweet

cstironkat said...

4/13 3rd tweet

janetfaye said...


janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I release my inner goddess by treating myself to a herbal-infused bath every now and then.

juxta.umino {at} gmail {dot} com

Anonymous said...

I follow via Google Friend Connect

juxta.umino {at} gmail {dot} com

Sarah said...

In a hot bubble bath with wine, candles and a good book.

Melissa said...

im a follower!

Anonymous said...

I use a lot of hot water, bubble bath and candlew
Diane Baum

Anonymous said...

Blog follower via google
Diane Baum

Anonymous said...

Follow @winey mom by twitter natmmom
Diane Baum

Anonymous said...

natmmom Win a Yoplait Greek Goddess gift pack from @winey_mommy! Ends 4/15
Diane Baum

Erin E said...

I release my inner goddess with a hot bath and a glass of wine. Thank you for the lovely giveaway.

Erin E said...

I'm a facebook fan (EE)

Erin E said...

I follow you via google friend connect.

Erin E said...

I'm following you on twitter (@sewmuchstuff)

Erin E said...

I tweeted

lmurley2000 said...

daily retweet

Unknown said...

I release my inner goddess by drinking beer and blasting the stereo.
fatmeatloaf1 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

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Renee G said...

I release my inner goddess by deep conditioning my hair.

cstironkat said...

4/14 1st tweet

cstironkat said...

4/14 2nd tweet

cstironkat said...

4/14 3rd tweet

arla said...

Black & white late night movies with snacks in tow

arla said...

#1 facebook fan! id- Lighthouse twentyseven

arla said...

#2 facebook fan! id- Lighthouse twentyseven

arla said...

#3 facebook fan! id- Lighthouse twentyseven

erma said...

I read and relax in bed.

Melissa B. said...

I have a glass of red wine and watch an old movie.

DarcyO said...

I release my inner goddess by going for a walk each day.

dlodden at frontiernet dot net

Jen M said...

Not very fancy, but I get up 20 minutes early each morning to sit in a room, in the dark, in the quiet. I just relax and clear my mind before a hectic day.

After work, I hop in the car, blast some music on the way to the gym. After a workout, I feel like a goddess!!

Shawn said...

I release my inner goddess by getting out my hula hoop and and using it. I feel young again!


k-team said...

My inner goddess comes out when I'm on vacation and don't have to cook! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Running brings it out!

Amanda S. said...

My inner goddess is released when I order takeout and don't have to cook, lol!

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

I release my inner goddess by taking a hot shower and actually getting to shave my legs, LOL!

stormraven at gmail dot com

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

I follow on Twitter (@psychotichouse)

Jayfr said...

Relaxing in a bathtub listening to my Zune does it.

Sand said...

I release my inner goddess through exercise.

Trina said...

I release my inner goddess by trying to take fifteen minutes a day just for me where I can sit in a room with no noise and relax.

Unknown said...

i release my inner goddess by taking one aromatherapy bath a week (at least!)


Unknown said...

google follower: ferriz


Unknown said...

twitter follower @ferriza2


Susan said...

I release mmy inner goddess by trying to take at least 10 minues in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening where I can sit in peace and quiet and refocus.

susan56bft at gmail dot com

Susan said...
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Susan said...
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Susan said...
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Susan said...

The Winey Mommy follower via Networked Blogs #1
id:Susan Claus

susan56bft at gmail dot com

Susan said...

The Winey Mommy follower via Networked Blogs #2
id:Susan Claus

susan56bft at gmail dot com

Susan said...

The Winey Mommy follower via Networked Blogs #3
id:Susan Claus

susan56bft at gmail dot com

Susan said...

The Winey Mommy email subscriber

susan56bft at gmail dot com

Susan said...

The Winey Mommy email subscriber

susan56bft at gmail dot com

Susan said...

The Winey Mommy follower via Google

susan56bft at gmail dot com

Susan said...

The Winey Mommy RSS subscriber

susan56bft at gmail dot com

Charlene Kuser said...

I release my inner goddess by taking a nice bubble bath and listening to
classical music

Charlene Kuser said...

Following The Winey Mommy on Facebook
via CK

Charlene Kuser said...

Following The Winey Mommy on Facebook
via CK

Charlene Kuser said...

Following The Winey Mommy on Facebook
via CK

gertieguest said...

Burning scented candles is what helps me.

Charlene Kuser said...

I subscribe via email

Unknown said...

Yoga, dance & meditation

Charlene Kuser said...

Following on google friend connect

Unknown said...

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Charlene Kuser said...

Subscriber via google reader

Unknown said...

sub via google reader

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Unknown said...

Follow you on twitter dddiva

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Charlene Kuser said...

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Charlene Kuser said...


DEBIJOT said...

I release my inner goddess by a warm relaxing bubble bath, a glass of wine and a locked door! My turn.

DEBIJOT said...

your FB fan #1 - dbt

DEBIJOT said...

your FB fan # 2 - dbt

DEBIJOT said...

your FB fan #3 - dbt

DEBIJOT said...

blog follower - debijot

Jennifer H said...

A glass of wine or a bubble bath or both! :) Jenprincess88 at aol dot com

Karen said...

Drinking a glass of wine and sitting in the hot tub :)

ktgonyea at

Tylerpants said...

I release my inner goddess by finding time to take a nice bubble bath! tylerpants(at)

Tylerpants said...

I'm an email subscriber. tylerpants(at)

Tylerpants said...

I'm a follower. tylerpants(at)

Anonymous said...

I release my inner goddess by pamperimg myself with bubble bath, a cup of cocoa and soft music.

susitravl said...

Manicures, pedicures, spa days, massages, eating decadent desserts - I pamper myself as much as possible - the goddess in me is well taken care of!

susitravl said...

FB Fan #1 (SB)

susitravl said...

FB Fan #2 (SB)

susitravl said...

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Follow you on Twitter - susitravl

Kathy P said...

i feel great when i have my hair cut and colored there is nothing that makes you feel worse than seeing those grays on the top of your head :(

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