Tuesday, September 28, 2010

She's Ba-ack....

Remember how I said that I was only having a little bit of nausea? I guess that the morning sickness queen decided to give me a sprinkling more....

Because I? Have been so unbelievably nauseous for the past two days. There are a few things that I do love to eat right now:

  • pepper jack cheese sticks that the father in law bought a few weeks ago...I am craving one as I type...
  • craving ice cream. milkshakes. waffle cone...from marble slab. Think we may make a trip there today...

And that's it. Everything else is disgusting. I was craving bacon yesterday, but the thought of that now? I'll spare you on the details what I think of bacon today...

Thank you all for your sweet comments on my post yesterday! I go in for an ultrasound on October 18th--I can't wait to see my little baby! I'll be 11 weeks then...give or take some days...

Oh! And my find out what you're having ultrasound should be in September December (sorry--my brain isn't functioning as of yet...)--and I'm not going to tell Leo what we're having. Instead I'm going to buy something pink or something blue and mail it to him for a surprise. He's already dying to know if we're having another girl or if this will be a boy, so I laugh when I think that he has to wait another week to find out....


Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...

I am sorry to hear that you are feeling so bad - but happy for you too because that is a good sign that all is well and you can rest assured.

That will be a great way to tell Leo what you guys are having!

Loukia said...

Aww, I'm sorry... :( Hope it doesn't last too long...

Jenn said...

Hope the nausea doesn't last too long. I had it ALL. NINE. AND A HALF. MONTHS. Ug. Let me know if you need some tips! :)

Kmama said...

Eek. I hate the nausea. I felt like I had a permanent hang over when I was pregnant with Buster.

I can't wait to find out what you're having. You will share, right?? Making Leo wait is so mean...but also so cool!!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

So are you going to share with us? And, so sorry you are feeling yucky!

Jenny said...

Hope you get that ice cream today girl!!!

Feel better!!

Unknown said...

I crave milkshakes pretty much 24/7. They're just SO good! ;) Glad to hear you're sick!! Well, you know what I mean! ;P

Daniele said...

Awww, hope you continue to feel good despite the nausea and you go get yourself some icecream girl haha

Anonymous said...

I love your idea for how to tell Leo - makes it special :)

Anonymous said...

Torturing the hubby... perfect!

Sorry you have a bit of nausea!

I didn't find out the gender with either of my pregnancies and was SHOCKED when they announced my 2nd was a boy - I thought for sure he was gonna be a girl!! LOL

Anonymous said...

boo for nausea! I hope it leaves as quick as it comes!!

amanda said...

great news. but totally know how much it sucks!!

and love the plan to tell leo! so so so fun!!