Sunday, June 26, 2011

Get Your Fiber On with Fiber One...{Review & Giveaway}

As I have recently written, I am attempting to lose the baby weight. Running around all day isn't my problem--it's constantly go, go, go in this house at the moment. So what does that leave me with? My eating habits.

I have found that since Brynlie arrived I don't pay attention as much as I should to what I'm putting into my mouth to eat. Sometimes I can chow down on a bowl of cereal, a sandwich and some cookies now and then. What I need to work on is this: having fresh fruit easily available for myself and increasing the amount of fiber in my diet.

When I was offered the chance to try out the new Fiber One 90 Calorie Brownies I jumped at the opportunity to test them for myself. At just 90 calories and 20% of my daily fiber in just one brownie this was a perfect snack and a much healthier alternative than a handful of chips or cookies.

***What I Thought***

I got to test out the Chocolate Peanut Butter Brownies as well as the Chocolate Fudge Brownies. I had Leo test out the Chocolate Fudge and I claimed the Chocolate Peanut Butter for myself. The brownies definitely helped satisfy that need for something sweet and chocolatey. They were good--especially for only 90 calories! The one thing that I noticed was that they weren't as moist as I thought they could be. But other than that? They were a good, healthy alternative to having a quick and easy snack. Perfect for my weight loss journey!

***Win It***

One lucky winner will receive a Fiber One gift pack! The gift pack contains one box each of Fiber One 90 Calorie Chocolate Fudge Brownie and Chocolate Peanut Butter Brownie, a duffel bag, water bottle, jump rope, snack case, headband and bracelet.

To win simply leave me a comment below telling me your favorite healthy eating tip. This must be completed before any/all bonus entries will count.

***Bonus Entries***

1 entry each  Be a follower of my blog, subscribe via email and/or subscribe in a reader

1 entry each  "Like" Winey Mommy on Facebook and/or follow Winey Mommy on Twitter

1 entry daily  Click the retweet button at the top of this post. Leave the url to your tweet in comment

1 entry  Tell me why you want to win the Fiber One Brownie gift pack.

2 entries  Place my button on your blog

2 entries each  Add this giveaway to a blog or website giveaway link up. Leave a link to site where you added this giveaway


Giveaway will end on July 7th @ NOON CST. Any entries after end time will not be eligible to win. Open to all US residents 18+. To be eligible to win you must do mandatory entry. If you do not follow that rule all entries will be void. Leave a valid email address in comment or available on profile. Winner will be drawn via and will have 48 hours to respond to notification email. If winner does not contact back w/full name/address a new winner will be picked. All winners will be posted on blog when picked. This blog is not responsible for prizes not being delivered, getting lost, etc. I will try my hardest to work with the  company if something should go wrong. This blog is not responsible for anything regarding to your use of product. 

I was given one Fiber One prize pack thanks to My Blog Spark and Fiber One. No other compensation was given. All opinions above are my own and were not influenced by anyone other than myself.


mar said...

My favorite healthy eating tip is to always have breakfast that includes fruit, juice and milk!

The Royal Family 2 said...

My healthy eating tip is to eat 6 small meals a day... helps pregnant women gain 8lbs during pregnancy so i can't imagine how it would help when i'm not prego! :)

The Royal Family 2 said...

I subscribe via email

The Royal Family 2 said...

I like you on FB now, which I think is nice.

The Royal Family 2 said...

I follow on twitter already

The Royal Family 2 said...

I want to win because these go perfectly for my gestational diabetic diet!

The Royal Family 2 said...

I tweeted!/the_royalfamily/status/85357104323497984

The Royal Family 2 said...

I now have your button

The Royal Family 2 said...

button extra comment #2

littlelatina said...

awesome enter me

llinda29 said...

favorite healthy eating tip is to avoid sugar

llinda29 said...

I sub to email

llinda29 said...

"Like" Winey Mommy on Facebook

llinda29 said...

want to win the Fiber One Brownie gift pack because I like fiber 1

Jenny said...

My favorite healthy snack would have to be fruit...but the trick is if I know I am going to have it that day, I cut a bunch of it up. That way I have no excuses and I don't let it go to waste.
But those brownies look really yummy!

Jenny said...

of course i follow you!! :)

Jenny said...

follow you on twitter!

Jenny said...

follow you on facebook!

Jenny said...

i would love to win the fiber one prize pack because those brownies look delicious! and being pregnant, we all know that a little extra fiber helps! plus i love the fiber one good!

crystletellerday said...

plant a garden and eat what you plant

Unknown said...

I have to keep junk food out of sight or I'm on it!!! drinking water through the day helps with flushing toxins out

kendraco22 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

love to win because I love Fiber one bars and they are healthy!
kendraco22 at yahoo dot com

Kristi said...

My top 2 eating healthy tips:

1. Don't buy unhealthy food! When I have junk in the house I am more likely to eat that when I am in a hurry or really hungry.

2. Eat several small meals/healthy snacks a day and never let yourself get really hungry. That is when you make the worst food choices

Rachel said...

I buy lots of vegetables, low-fat ranch, and take those with my lunch instead of chips.


Stephanie said...

start every meal with a healthy salad - you won't eat as much
tvollowitz at aol dot com

ranya112 said...

I keep cut up vegetables in the refrigerator for snacks.
iridia718 at gmail dot com

mogrill said...

I drink a full glass of water 15 minutes before meals so I am fuller.Thanks for the chance.

Heidi V said...

Low carbs and drink lemon water.

heidivargas at live dot com

Heidi V said...

Liked The Winey Mommy on Facebook

heidivargas at live dot com

Heidi V said...

Tweeted -!/HeidiVargas/status/85777960954626049

heidivargas at live dot com

Llama said...

You know I love your blog AND im a very happy follower!!! xo:)

ohstac said...

I've switched to greek yogurt for breakfast and stay fuller longer.

ohstac said...

I follow on GFC

ohstac said...

I would love to win this gift pack because I like Fiber One bars and these brownies look delicious!

ohstac said...


katklaw777 said...

Eat lots of fruit s and veggies.
As of the 1st of the year, I added a fruit and veggie to each of my meals and a fruit snack too.
I have lost 17lbs and that is the biggest difference I made in my eating habits.

katklaw777 said...

GFC follower

katklaw777 said...

email subscriber

katklaw777 said...

I'd like to win cause I could use more fiber in my diet and the bars look yummy!

katklaw777 said...

Following you on twitter w/ katklaw777.

katklaw777 said...


ohstac said...


D.Dove said...

My favorite healthy eating tip is simple, put something like lemon in your water to flavor it so you'll drink more! People are supposed to drink half their body weight in ounces of water each day- for example if you weighed 180 pounds you should drink 90 ounces of water! it seems like a lot, but we're 80% water so it's a HUGE key to being healthy!

email is
Heatherc191 at gmail dot com

D.Dove said...

I follow you on GFC

Heatherc191 at gmail dot com

D.Dove said...

I would like to win because I am always craving something sweet, I'll admit I have a sweets stash in my room that none of the rest of the house knows about, but NONE of it is good for me! These are sweet enough to keep in the sweet stash, but healthy enough to feel good about!

kygirl said...

My healthy eating tip is to eat lots of fruit and veggies,The kids love these with a low fat dressing

kygirl said...

I liked you on fb as charline stanley

ohstac said...


sweetsue said...

My healthy eating tip is to stock up on low calorie snacks like yogurts and fruit so there is always something readily on hand.
smchester at gmail dot com

Bonnie P said...

I don't eat anything after dinner. No snacks.

Bonnie P said...

I want to win this gift pack because my daughter will be detasseling this summer and she can use everything in this pack

ohstac said...

daily tweet

Molly C. said...

Now that it 9ss Summer time, I love having fresh fruits & veggies in the house.

Molly C. said...

google friend follower
molly c

ky2here said...

Don't buy sweets and eat fruit.

ky2here at msn dot com

ky2here said...

Like The Winey Mommy FB as kyhere here.

ky2here at msn dot com

ky2here said...

Following winey_mommy twitter as ky2here1.

ky2here at msn dot com

ky2here said...

I want to win because I need more fiber and what better way to get it than through chocolate.

ky2here at msn dot com

ky2here said...!/ky2here1/status/87695904412413952

ky2here at msn dot com

Anonymous said...

For me, portion control seems to be the biggest problem! So I have taken to fixing my dinner on a luncheon plate instead of a dinner plate. The full plate fools your eyes and brain into thinking that you are eating a HUGE plate of food when you actually aren't!
kitty32504 at cox dot net

Anonymous said...

I am a new GFC follower (Cataroo)!
kitty32504 at cox dot net

Anonymous said...

I am a new e-mail subscriber!
kitty32504 at cox dot net

Anonymous said...

I subscribe to your blog with Google Reader!
kitty32504 at cox dot net

Anonymous said...

I "Like" Winey Mommy on Facebook (Dara Nix)!
kitty32054 at cox dot net

Anonymous said...

I'm following you on Twitter (@Kitty32504)!
kitty32504 at cox dot net

Anonymous said...

kitty32504 at cox dot net

Anonymous said...

I want to win because I know I am not getting enough fiber in my diet! These sound like a YUMMY way to do it!
kitty32504 at cox dot net

Sylvia said...

Add vegetables to EVERY meal (well, fruit for breakfast).

sylver_1982 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Sylvia said...

New email subscriber
sylver_1982 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Sylvia said...

follow using GFC as Sylvia

sylver_1982 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Sylvia said...

Like Winey Mommy on Facebook as Sylvia Desnoyers Burke

sylver_1982 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Sylvia said...

I would love to win this gift pack because I love to snack and I'm trying to lose weight!

sylver_1982 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Anonymous said...

always have healthy snack choices for your kids availble and easy for them to access on thier own. Also have a couple healthy snack bars in your purse incase they hungry in the car going to the grocery store.
texaswaitress (at) live (dot) com

Melissa said...

Lots of fresh fruits & veggies, and always be prepared with healthy snacks in your bag, at your desk, etc.

xmeliss182x (at) yahoo (dot) com

ohstac said...


Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

When I am searching for something sweet to snack on I always try a piece of fruit first to see if it will quell my craving.


Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

I am following via GFC as Jill Myrick.


Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

I am a fan via Facebook as Jill Myrick.


Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

I am following via Twitter as jlsc123.


Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

I am subscribed via email as jweezie43[at]gmail[dot]com.

kolpin said...

my tip is to throw away the egg yolk and eat the white

kolpin4680 at gmail dot com

kolpin said...

i want to win bc i want to find more healthy snacks
kolpin4680 at gmail dot com

kolpin said...

gfc follower kolpin
kolpin4680 at gmail dot com

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twitter follower @kolpin4680 kolpin4680 at gmail dot com

kolpin said...


Julie said...

Drink plenty of water :)

ohstac said...


April said...

Drink lots of water and eat jalapenos

Anonymous said...

My fav tip is portion control.

erma2164 said...

My fav healthy eating tip is to always have breakfast.

tina reynolds said...

my best 3 are have an apple a day around lunch, drink a glass of water before every meal and do not skip breakfast

tina reynolds said...

I subscribe to your blog

tina reynolds said...

I like you on facebook (mrstinareynolds thanks for the chance to win

Anonymous said...

Walnuts are a great mid-afternoon snack when hungry! said...

I follow via google and my tip is to stop eating after dinner.
Diane Baum said...

I follow via google and my tip is to stop eating after dinner.
Diane Baum

Jane said...

I always eat breakfast: a high-fiber cereal with skim milk.
jcottey at aol dot com

Jane said...

GFC follower.
jcottey at aol dot com

Jane said...

I subscribe in a reader.
jcottey at aol dot com

Jane said...

I'd like to win because craving chocolate is my downfall. These brownies are a healthier way to have chocolate.

degood said...

My healthy tip is to make sure that you buy plenty of healthy things to snack on then it is easier to grab a bag of baby carrots or an apple than junk food.

degood said...

I follow on gfc as degood.

degood said...

I want to win because I want to try these but haven't seen them in stores in my area yet.

degood said...

I follow you on twitter as kmayans.

Mallory Nichols said...

My favorite tip is to eat lots of whole grains and drink plenty of water.

modest_mal at yahoo dot com

Mallory Nichols said...

GFC follower

modest_mal at yahoo dot com

Mallory Nichols said...

email subscriber

modest_mal at yahoo dot com

Mallory Nichols said...

subscribing via Google reader

modestmal at yahoo dot com

Mallory Nichols said...

Twitter follower

modest_mal at yahoo dot com

Mallory Nichols said...

I want to win the Fiber One Brownie gift pack because they look yummy and I'm trying to lose weight. Winning this gift pack would be a nice start! :)

modest_mal at yahoo dot com

Hazel said...

The best eating tip is to cover half your plate with veggies and then add a small portion of protein and dairy.
Also, eat your fruit with your meal so that you can process the sugars along with your meal.


liliesrnice said...

add chopped or pureed vegetables to you sauces & soups.

Sarah said...

My favorite healthy eating tip is to eat plenty of fiber - adding flax seeds to cereal, casseroles and cookies is a good tactic.

Sarah said...

GFC follower Sarah

Sarah said...!/sarohioan/status/88949576425418752

Sarah said...

I want to win because this is a great prize package and I would like to try the new brownies.

Nancy said...

My favorite healthy eating tip is to center your meals and snacks around fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables and supplement with lean protein and dairy and Fiber One products.

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Nancy said...

I'd like to win this because I've adored every Fiber One product I've ever tried and I know I'd love these, too!

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

susansmoaks said...

my healthy eating tip is to drink plenty of water and eat fruits and vegetables
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

My healthy eating tip is don't skip breakfast.

Amy delong said...

cut up veggies for snacks with dip,everyone likes it!

Amy delong said...

fb fan of yours

Kathy P said...

i love to snack on raw broccoli and cauliflower

Kathy P said...

Kathy P said...

id like to win because i love their cereal and would love to try the brownies :)

Georgia Mist said...

Mandatory Entry:

Healthy Eating Tip:

Toss the salt shaker aside! There is plenty enough sodium in most packaged foods and fresh foods don't need it!

Use natural seasonings instead!

outofthemist AT gmail DOT com

Georgia Mist said...

I follow your blog publicly via Google Friend Connect (GeorgiaMist)

outofthemist AT gmail DOT com

Georgia Mist said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Georgia Mist said...

I follow @winey_mommy on Twitter @GeorgiaMist

outofthemist AT gmail DOT com

Georgia Mist said...

My Daily Tweet:!/GeorgiaMist/status/89007054970306560

outofthemist AT gmail DOT com

barblong said...

My favorite healthy eating tip is to try to eat as many whole grains as possible. Ditch the white bread, white rice and regular pasta and switch to whole wheat breads, brown rice and wheat pasta for better nutrition.

cman said...

Snack on fruit.

Anonymous said...

I like to add flax to my diet.

cman said...

I'd like to win because they look so good and i'm looking for more ways to get more fiber in my diet.

Sand said...

GFC follower: Atreau.

atreau at gmail dotcom.

Nikki57 said...

My favorite healthy eating tip is to eat more vegetables

EmmaPeel said...

tip- eat a small handful of nuts for snacking instead of sugary or fattening snacks.

EmmaPeel said...

Now following GFC as Emma Peel


EmmaPeel said...

I subscribed by email.

EmmaPeel said...

I subscribed by rss feed. emmaspeel(at)

EmmaPeel said...

I want to win because we would all like this in my household and are huge huge snackers.


Joshua Holmes said...

Eating celery is reverse calories.