Monday, September 28, 2009

Because Randoms Make Me Happy...

~Isabella had her appt this morning with her ped. The ped said she looked and acted great {as Bellie was jumping around the office saying "jumpy! jumpy! jumpy!"}. However...due to her having a seizure she has an appt with a Neurologist on Monday morning @ 9:30. Praying that she is okay and that the seizure was a one time thing.

~I can't wait for Bellie's Dora party! She may also be sporting a embroidered shirt...and a Dora cap....can you guess what part of the outfit she picked out?

~I have been reading blogs, but I've gotten so far behind! If I don't comment, I promise I'll start soon! We have appointments galore this week with Bellie's ped visit today, Maddie's 2 month tomorrow, my eye appt on Thursday followed by Bellie's 2 year on Thursday afternoon. Add to that planning this birthday party? It's a little crazy!

~We're thinking of taking Bellie to a movie on Friday for her birthday before our company arrives. After our last movie trip...I'm still debating it...hehe!

~Olive Garden opened up today! Katrina took out the only one we had in our area....and they finally put another one up! It's in the same shopping center as my love, Target, will be opening!

~Speaking of opens next Tuesday! The girls and I are already planning our day. I see a Starbucks for me and popcorn for Bellie. I'm so excited it'll be open in time for Christmas shopping! I've waited forever for this day...haha!

~I have so many fall shows in my DVR begging to be watched. I did manage to watch The Good Wife--loved it! I wasn't sure about it from the previews, but I really liked it. A lot.

~Hope everyone has a wonderful week filled with happy days, happy loved ones and as many blessings as we've been blessed with lately. I'm still thankful for your prayers. I heart every single one of you....more than you'll ever possibly know.


Amber Filkins said...

I'm anxious to hear what they said about her seizure!

Saylor loves Dora too. Actually she's just getting back into it, she went on a strike for awhile. She LOVES Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. And the Disneyland Fun sing a long.

You are BRAVE for taking her to the movies!! We're not that brave yet.

Bless your heart, you're just getting Target!? How EVER did you manage?? I ♥ me some Target!!

Loukia said...

That is good that she has an appointment with the neurologist - I'm SURE she will be AOKAY but it's nice to have the extra re-assurance, you know? Glad to hear her appointment went well. You are one very busy mama with all the apointments this week, and the birthday party! And a Target opening up near you? That's pretty fantastic! Wish we had one in Canada! Keep us posted! xoxo

Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...

I was so excited when Olive Garden opened in my area. There was a rumor in my town for most of my life that we would be getting an Olive Garden and it took years and years before it happened. It was so exciting when they started building and then finally opened. Yeah for Salad and Breadsticks and of course TARGET! Enjoy your time at Target! They have amazing pretzels too and Blue Raspberry icees. Those are our favs!

Krista said...

Yay for a Happy Bella and new a Target!!

I shop at Target waaaaay too much, but I consider it "grocery shopping" even if I pick out clothes, kitchenware, makeup, and other goodies! Have fun with your princess!!

Amanda said...

I hope all goes well at all of your dr's appointments, especially Bella's.
Hope you find a few minutes to put your feet up!!
Amanda x

Theta Mom said...

I am so glad she seems to be doing well! It's a safe bet to have her looked at by the specialist. Enjoy the big Dora Day with your little girl!!!

Clare said...

i am glad that everyone is doing better!! i wanted to write on your facebook that you are a great mother! i saw what that guy wrote, and that was just so mean. yay for Target and fun shopping ahead:)

amanda said...

yay for target tuesday!! maybe beans and i will have to go to ours and celebrate with you :)

so glad every thing went well at bellas check up...

Anonymous said...

Wow you have a crazy week!! We totally understand. Glad the appointment went well! I can't wait to see pictures of the Dora Party!!

Kelli @ writing the waves said...

I bet the seizure was due to the fall and she won't have further issues. My cousin's little boy had a similar fall when he was about a year old.

As for movies - the 3D toy Story and Toy Story 2 comes out on Friday. My daughter has been talking about it for a month! I hope Isabella has a fabulous day!

Liz Mays said...

The Good Wife was awesome! I looking forward to keeping up with that one myself.

I hope your appt goes well with the neurologist!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

I hope the seizures were a one time thing!

And, hooray for Target (although, I'm secretly wishing ours would close with our new budget...which incidentally, doesn't have a Target category!)