Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Little Giggles

Oh, how I love baby giggles.

I'm not talking about the hearty belly laughs (although I do love those, too), but the sweet giggles.

The kind that makes my heart melt when I am rocking her to sleep.

The kind that makes everything that has been a little crazy and frazzled suddenly be okay again.

The kind that gives me the giggles and the kind that sometimes causes a missed nap. Or two.

The kind that causes us to both end up laughing hysterically, playing on the floor with silly toys and making things up as we go.

The kind that makes my life complete, happy and whole.

The kind that will eventually lead to this:

A tired, happy, loved little girl....the little girl with the sweetest giggles.


carrie said...

Absolutely. Baby giggles followed by sweet baby sleep are the best!

She is adorable.

amanda said...

little giggles leading to nap time...nothing sweeter friend :)

adorable picture!

Kristen said...

Oh that was so sweet!!

Thanks for sharing with us Chelle.

Seriously that last picture is just the best!

Unknown said...

What a little sweetie... and look at all those cute little flowers and bows - something you don't see in my house (darn!)

I love the baby giggles too!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Little giggles...so sweet!

And a nap, even better.

Susan said...

Gotta love that! She is so sweet!

Jill and Rick said...

Sweet baby.

Sweet picture.

Sweet post.

Love you!

Wendi said...

What a sweet post!
Giggles and naps.
The perfect combination.
So much to love about that photo!

Laural Out Loud said...

I know exactly what you're talking about. I miss those baby giggles so much.