Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Thank You, Inner Procrastinator, Thank You.

Bella: Hi, Momma!

Momma: Hi, Bella Mella! (Notices smirk on Bella's face. Knows something is up and that this something cannot be good).

Bella: I made you something, Momma!

Momma: (Growing nervous now)Oh, honey, you shouldn't have...

Bella: I know, but I did it because I just love you so much!

Momma: Ohhh...what I've always wanted....a mountain of pretzels on my living room floor. And would you look at that, there's a little hole in the middle of the pile. Thank you, sweetie, thank you. (Drags out the vacuum and thanks her procrastination that she had not vacuumed yet. Does not want to vacuum twice in one day).


Mama Les said...

ughh I vacuum all the time,I should just LEAVE it out, instead of wrapping up the cord,and putting it back! .. But if I dont vacuum then my son will notice an ant or 2, and then tell random strangers that "we have ants" ..... LOL

Jenny said...

definitely a mess! too funny though. i hate to vacuum but I too must vacuum quite a bit with our dog Ella shedding so much and Will just wanting to be on the ground.
the glorious life of a mom, ahhhh...wouldn't change it for a minute.

Allison R said...

What a cute face - you could definitely tell she was up to something.

I've been reading your blog for a while now. I love all your stories.

Jill and Rick said...

Okay that expression on her face is hilarious!!! Yep! Definitely up to something!

Love you!


Anonymous said...

See that would have just pushed me ovedr the edge I don't let my kids eat anywhere but the kitchen mostly becuase of stuff like that. I would have a meltdown, AFTER I laughed at her face! Little (adorable) stinker!

BTW my vacuum died. Yep D E A D Dead. I have to mourne now and go get a new one. It is going on day two without vacuuming and the dust bunnies are starting to assemble the troops.

amanda said...

oh my honey her face is just priceless!!

totally guilty :)

but high five to your inner procrastinator!!

Andrea@Sgt and Mrs Hub said...

I am a vacuuming queen, but I bow to you Goddess of the Vacuum! Every day?! I thought every other day was pretty good :)

Bella's face is perfection - she must make you smile all day long!


Wendi said...

How nice that Bella was so thoughtful.
She made the mess before you vacuumed.
How many did she make after?
Just. asking.

Laural Out Loud said...

I thought that was a pile of spaghetti when I first saw it! Then noticed that Bella was not as messy as the floor, and read on to see that it was pretzels. Phew!

She's quite the little artist, lol.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Thank goodness you waited!

So, does that excuse me for yet another day? I'm pretty sure we have goldfish permanently ground into our carpet!

Leslie said...

rofl, that look on her sweet little face is just priceless! She's too cute. Glad she made the mess before you vacuumed!

Heather B. said...

I just love it when they make their "I WAS up to something" face!!! She is too cute! And thankgoodness you hadn't vacuumed! I hate vacuuming but do it EVERYDAY!!! Thanks to shedding animals!

Montserrat said...

At least she knows how to make a circle!

Anonymous said...

Ahahahaha! I haven't vacuumed in weeks! I reign as the vacuum procrastinator! And I can't do it tomorrow, either, because a friend borrowed the vacuum cleaner. Oh darn.


Happy POW!

Carol said...

Oh I thought that was gonna be another story to match my poop art one.

After dealing with that repeatedly I'd happily trade for pretzels anytime.

mom2natnkatncj said...

She wanted to give you something to vacuum up ;).

Diane said...

That is hysterical. How cute. The face, I mean. Not the mess!

Happy POW

Pam said...

That face absolutely reminds me of my littlest monster. She is frequently approaching me with a crafty smile on her lips. My mother put it best when she said I have to wake up early to stay ahead of her. I am either 1 step ahead of her or 3 steps behind! Your daughter is precious!

Anonymous said...

OMG! At first I thougt it was cheetos!!! I love that you got the photographic evidence first!

happy POW!

McMommy said...

I love your inner procrastinator!!! I think she's psychic. :)