Friday, May 21, 2010

Donut? Yes, Please!

 Madelyn is a great eater--probably one of the best little eaters I have ever met. Well, she doesn't care for mustard after I gave her a bite of my Whataburger yesterday...but other than that? She eats and smiles the entire time.

So what happened today shouldn't have been of any surprise to me. I was trying to put Madelyn in her highchair except I was holding my prized hot pink frosted donut from Shipley Do-nuts. And let me tell you--that place is a treat, y'all. I don't have it in Mississippi, so my father in law has bought it for me aka McFatty us three times this week!! To die for delish...yum!

Anyway. I was holding the donut and trying to get her in the chair. I took one bite and set it down on the tray. BIG mistake. HUGE. Because Madelyn aka Lightning Hands had a hold on that thing faster than I could grab it back. Double fisted and eating it. All of it. She ate an entire donut--I think she was in heaven--and she also wore herself out....because after scrubbing off all of the icing? She literally passed out asleep.


Patrice said...

That is so funny! She is precious and apparently very smart!! I am so glad you got pictures of that awesomeness, too! Love it!

Sassy Salsa girl said...

Awesome, my 11 month old daughter did that to a Twinkie. Probably not near as good as that donut. ;D

Theta Mom said...

How awesome!! They look so cute but the clean up is a killer! ;)

Shell said...

She's such a cutie!

I would have been bummed about my donut, though.

Terra said...


Anonymous said...

Oh how adorable! Love it! :)

Jewls said...

Yum donuts...I don't blame her, smart girl!!

Nikki said...

I totally want that donut....and that picture is priceless!!! She is just way too cute!!

Adrienne said...

what a messy baby

Anonymous said...

aww a girl after Sammy's heart!! He is a big eater and looks like Madelyn when he is done :-) Hes got a few years on her though.. maybe he should be neater by no.. hmmm

Krista said...

She gets it from her mama!! ;)
I think I have the same high chair, too. Random, but I just noticed it b/c I hardly ever see it anywhere.

She is so cute - that looks like one decadent donut!!!

Jenny said...

Wow...those donuts look great Madelyn! Love your red face!

Sorry you missed out on your donut Chelle...they don't last in our house either!

Evonne said...

From the looks of her I bet that donut was to die for. I'm glad she enjoyed it, but sorry you didn't.

Pres. Kathy said...

She just looks so cute!

Kmama said...

That last picture is the cutest ever. I want to sleep after stuffing myself with donuts too! LOL

Tylaine said...

Whoa! That is some bright icing!
What a cutie :) Much more to come :)
Those look like some super tasty donuts!!

Unknown said...

I want a donut now. :) She is too cute and smart!

My Mercurial Nature said...

A. I also want a donut now! And with hot pink frosting, too. B. Lookit how happy she is with herself! So darn cute!

Lin said...

Haha, I cant say I blame her...if you leave a donut in front of me I'm gonna eat it too.

Kristi said...

HAHAHA!!! I love my hungry neice! She is so adorable

Anonymous said...

A girl with a plan... I love it! LOL

Sugar high was too much for her huh?

Clare said...

those pictures are so great!! it looks yummy;)

Anonymous said...

She is such a cutie pie :)

The Mommyologist said...

Ahh!!! That is just too much! I love it. Did you manage to get all the pink off her?

Leiah said...

Such a smart girl - Shipley's rock! Especially those still warm glazed...oh my. Now I might just have to take a road trip home and get some. Drat.

Tara said...

Awwww. You better watch your donuts. Now she's had a taste. Haha.

Erin said...


Unknown said...

that is a great face!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

That's awesome! And, I totally can't blame her!

Mrs. Micek said...

Ha ha... Oh my gosh!! Cutest pictures!! My little darling loves to eat too!! She'd eat any and everything I gave her!!!! :)

Vanessa said...

That is adorable!!! I love it, and that she fell asleep right after! :-D

Connie K said...

Aww too cute ! hey girl i have an award for you over at my blog come by and pick it up when you get a chance ! thanks xoxo Connie