Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The One With Changes...

Since becoming a Mom I have endured many, many changes in my life. Haven't we all? It's like once you know you are expecting--whether it's by those two pink lines, adoption, etc--your life, although still technically your life has changed in a big, big way...

1. Sleeping in is a thing of the past. Once you welcome that child into your life the sleepless nights start adding up and you honestly cannot remember the last time you woke up not tired. You also count waking up around 7:00 to have slept in. The upside to this is that you now get more done in these early hours. I cannot believe how much I get done before noon now!

2. Your conversations with other parents can be about any and/or all of the following with nobody batting an eyelash: poop, spit up, teething, poop, food, tantrums, poop. This can take place while eating, drinking drinks, etc.

3. Money that used to be for your manis, pedis, hair, clothes, and dates now goes to baby food, diapers, toys, books, dvd's, replacement toys, batteries for said toys. The funny thing about this is that you don't mind one bit with this. As long as I know my girls are happy I can keep on giving myself manis/pedis, stretching out my roots for a few weeks longer and only buying clothes for myself when it's absolutely necessary.

4. Control over the TV. You know when you got married/moved in with significant other and had to compromise on what shows would be watched and when? Well, once the little ones come? It's their choice. Even if you don't allow them to watch TV {that's so not me by the way....} you still have to make sure that there is something child friendly on the tube. What....you mean Rock of Love isn't acceptable to watch anymore??

5. Going to the bathroom. Alone. Those days? Are over--kiss that time goodbye! You may occasionally get to go to the porcelain throne alone...but, oh, 99.75% of the time? You'll have another set of hands in there with you. You have no idea how much I appreciate to have that bathroom time alone! And you also have no idea how many icy glares I cast towards the bathroom when Leo is in there. By himself. Door closed. And no children. This also goes towards showering/bathing....

What are your big changes that have happened since motherhood?


BNM said...

omg me and my hubby were just talkin about this i would love just to take a bath without an audience or mathbox cars lol

Jenny said...

sleep...ahhh I miss that...this weekend was the first weekend that I have not spent with Will and I tell you what..lew and I were totally missing him. I am all about my little man...new clothes...new toys...anything...I do it all for him.

Shell said...

Your list sounds so much like mine.

Danielle said...

A perfect list. All so truthful.

Mine is definitely sleeping. Or the days off work I have given up. I would usually just watch a movie and not move off the couch. So not possible to get that type of relaxation anymore.

Anonymous said...

Yea... hubby stays in the bathroom FOREVER yet I can't get 30 seconds to pee alone. I've started saying "Privacy Please" slamming the door and locking it LOL

Jennifer @ Mom Spotted said...

LOL, you mean the doors on the bathroom close? Hmmm....I'm going to have to look into that!

Thankfully Dora, Diego, & Mickey were buds that way back for me so it was no biggie {kidding}

Nikki said...

Poop is a huge topic of conversation in our house!! I've also never been obsessed like I am now with getting boogers out and how excited I am when I get a "good" one!!
All of these are so true!! Love this post!

Vanessa said...

I can't wait to go to the bathroom alone again -- 15 years and counting! ;-)

Tenille said...

HA! It's so true, why can the daddies use the bathroom alone...oh wait, I know the answer to that one (who'd wanna be in there with them?!)

jo oliver said...

You just described the average day at my house:)

The Mommyologist said...

These are all SO true!! The sleeping thing is huge. And even on the rare occasions where the grandparents have my son for an overnight, I really don't sleep well because I'm wondering what is going on with him at their home. It's a no win, no sleep situation no matter what I do!!

And the going to the bathroom thing?? Don't even get me started. LOL!

Another big change for me is driving in the car. All I can say is that I've got the Imagination Movers CD pretty much memorized...and the sad part is that I kinda prefer it to what is on the radio these days.

KLZ said...

My husband tells me frequently that he's amazed that moms have no filter anymore. It's to the point that when around childless people I can't remember what's ok to talk about...

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Oh, the bathroom thing! Natalie has been trying to wipe me lately. Yeah, that's awesome.

When daddy goes to the bathroom now, I send the kids in with him. That's how I get my breaks!

Lisa Anne said...

My son just turned ten and it's gotten worse. We fight over the TV, yeah no privacy in the bathroom and money well Barnes and Nobles seems to be taking it all. But I can't complain, I love him!

Wendy Jeanine said...

No one warned me that when my child is sick, a battery operated booger sucker would be the highlight of my day. I also never planned to purchase one and be so excited when I found it at Babies R Us.

Love your blog, by the way! Mine is mommy2calebdelsignore.blogspot.com

Heather said...

These are all so true! Micky Mouse Club ALWAYS wins over True Hollywood Story. Bummer. Yep, manis/pedis are a thing from the past, that is for sure. However, I DO manage to sit on the porcelain throne alone! It's splendid. haha

Anonymous said...

hehe so true!!

Unknown said...

I would love to sit and read a magazine within it's publication month!

morewineplease said...

AMEN! I dont think I watch TV hardly at all for me anymore... except for GLEE, I watch it very late at night, when all are asleep!

Unknown said...

I give out those icy stares at the bathroom door when Hubby is in there too...LOL - why is it that kids know better than to interrupt him and not me!

Rebecca D said...

My heart... I am watching one of my chicks get ready to fly the nest and she is taking a huge piece of my heart with her... I'll never get it back...

Anti-Supermom said...

Mine is dinner; is there ever going to be a day where I don't have to cut up someone's meal, get someone milk, wipe up a spill, get ketchup...

and my husband seems oblivious to this ;)

Unknown said...

I used to work out almost every day before becoming a parent. And there was more s.e.x. of course. Sorry, TMI? ;) You know it's true... HA!

The soundtrack of my life has changed to kids music a lot in the car too.

And I was just complaining the other day about the bathroom thing. It was like a 'party' in there the one day last week, all three of them packed in with me. Oy.

Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...

You nailed this one on the head! I used to watch so much t.v. and now when people at work are discussing what happened on the shows I used to watch I have no clue what is going on. Let me tell you if the conversation ever turns to Wizards of Waverly Place, SpongeBob, iCarly, Big Time Rush, Good Luck Charlie, etc. I will be all over that...surprisingly enough I have yet to hear one of those conversations. LOL!

I get so frustrated that Josh can be in the bathroom for any reason with not only the door closed and locked but also not having a little boy banging on the door needing something or wanting to ask him a question or just want to see you. I don't even bother closing the door anymore because seriously what it the point? I do cherish when I am at work and can go to the bathroom with the door closed and in peace and quiet. Ahhh...only mom's understand how precious those few minutes really are.